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Malta Financial Services Authority


The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) is the single regulator for financial services in Malta. It was established by law on 23 July 2002 taking over supervisory functions previously carried out by the Central Bank of Malta, the Malta Stock Exchange and the Malta Financial Services Centre. The Authority is a fully autonomous public institution and reports to Parliament on an annual basis.


The financial services sector incorporates all financial activity including that of credit institutions, financial and electronic money institutions, securities and investment services companies, regulated markets, insurance companies, pension schemes and trustees. The MFSA is also the Listing Authority for the purpose of the Financial Markets Act and the Resolution Authority for the purpose of Directive 2014/59/EU and the Recovery and Resolution Regulations (L.N. 301 of 2015). The MFSA also manages the Registry of Companies.


The organisational structure of the MFSA ensures that the regulatory and operational functions of the Authority are exercised within strict legal demarcations. The Board of Governors, presided by the Chairman, sets out policy and general direction and is assisted by the Legal and International Affairs Unit. The Director of this Unit is also the Secretary to the Board of Governors. 


The Supervisory Council, headed by the Director General, is exclusively responsible for licencing, supervision and regulation and is composed of the Directors responsible for Authorisation, Banking Supervision,  Conduct Supervision, Securities and Markets Supervision, Insurance and Pensions Supervision, and Regulatory Development. Operations are the responsibility of the Board of Management and Resources composed of the Directors responsible for Communications, Human Resource Development, Information Technology and Administration chaired by the Chief Operations Officer. Co-ordination between these three organs is ensured at Co-ordination Committee level.

The MFSA is also responsible for consumer education and consumer protection in the financial services sector.

Malta is a jurisdiction that complies with and helps develop international best practice and is actively involved with the OECD, the EU and the Commonwealth in modelling global regulatory policy. The MFSA is a member of the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The Authority is also a member of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and a signatory of the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding with other members of these Institutions.


The MFSA has a staff of over 312 people, consisting of specialist regulators, lawyers, accountants and support staff facilitating the formulation of policy, decision making and support for both licence holders and consumers. The MFSA premises also house the International Tax Unit of the Inland Revenue Department and the Registry of Companies.


Malta’s development as an international financial centre is reflected in the range of financial services available. Malta continues to be positively ranked for its performance in the financial sector. The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index 2015-2016 placed Malta amongst the top 20 financial jurisdictions. The Maltese financial services industry is both diversified and has a lot of depth. It operates locally, at the European level and is ready to reach globally.


The MFSA believes in the development of a dynamic framework that enables the industry to develop new products and services within a sound regulatory environment compliant with international standards. Facilitating the ongoing exchange of ideas and information between the regulatory development and product innovation processes is a key to this objective

The Board of Governors of the Authority is appointed by the Prime Minister in virtue of article 6 of The Malta Financial Services Authority Act (Cap.330).


MFSA Mission Statement

Ensure high standards of conduct and management in financial services and promote the legitimate expectations of consumers.

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